Making the most of my Mental Health Junior Version

There are times in our lives for all of us that we can't make sense of things that happen around us. This is no different for young people. Their lives have become faster and they are always running from here to there. Dance class, Grinds, Sports, Homework and Chores. Sometimes this can feel like a lots of things to do even for adults, and sometimes they too feel like they can't cope. This makes things harder for them to do.

This is a take home little book and workbook that will help them to understand when they are feeling like this. The book helps them to make sense of the things they feel and assists them in learning new ways to feel better. Over time and with practice you and they will see a change in how they cope with these things. This book is a conversation starter to help us the adults to talk and teach them about Mental Health and the language within it. This allows them to name the things that they feel and relay that to others. The book is hugely visual and has language appropriate to their age.