The CHANGED Program© SID Version

Self-Introspection & Development Program

This version of the program is designed for Individuals to take a personal inventory of the Thoughts, Behaviours and Feelings and develop the skill set to self-monitor in situations that normally would cause them distress.

The programs is based in every day issues faced by people like problem solving, communication, anger management and other areas of their life.

The CHANGED program© SID Version is designed to assists individuals to become skilled in providing their own supportive and de-escalation techniques in light of the stressors involved in their lives. Individuals can then begin to take control of these everyday events and plan to respond differently.

Using the CHANGED Program series of programs requires training and certification for any practitioner/service/individual in any form of practice. (see terms & conditions). No person/service who does not hold a valid certification in the CHANGED Program or The CHANGED Program series of writings must use any of the The CHANGED Program materials or the program as a model of intervention or for training or education purposes. Please contact me for details.